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  • Registrant : 北九州市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/03/28
  • Published : 2024/03/28
  • Changed :2024/03/28
  • Total View : 865 persons
2024/6/1 - 2024/6/2 / 北九州市 / Seasonal / Occasion

Orio Festival (religious festival held in Kamigamo City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

The first "Orio Festival" was held in 1987 and has become a representative event of the Orio area.

There are many stages including "Asian music and dance" and "Orio Kagura", a staple of the festival, as well as a "dance contest".

Visitors can also enjoy an international variety of events such as the "International Food Stall Village" where they can enjoy exotic cuisine.

The first "Orio Festival" was held in 1987 and has become a representative event of the Orio area.

There are many stages including "Asian music and dance" and "Orio Kagura", a staple of the festival, as well as a "dance contest".

Visitors can also enjoy an international variety of events such as the "International Food Stall Village" where they can enjoy exotic cuisine.

Address 北九州市
Date 2024/6/1 - 2024/6/2
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